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Well, hello there.

Erika Pfluke is a wife, mother, artist, and owner of ArtFull, a vacation rental in Athens and Bird & Brass, a garden, art and gift shop in Watkinsville, GA. 


On a constant pursuit of a creativity in life, she feels the best days are days when she sets her eyes, or even better her hands, on something lovely.   


As an artist, Erika enjoys painting nature, especially birds.  She seeks to capture the beauty she sees around her and to share that with others in an uplifting way.   


Erika believes that God is the ultimate artist and she enjoys the process of capturing the intricacies of His creation with paint and brush.  Every flower, every animal, even colors themselves, were all His idea.  How fun it is play with the beauty that He so masterfully created.


Erika offers commissions on a case-by-case basis.   To shop all of her art visit or in person at the shop in Watkinsville!

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